A gardener with a large heart

(courtesy Bhavana Nissima)

“Did you know that while some trees give shade, some can also reduce noise pollution with their thick foliage? One such tree is Chameli whose tree forms a natural sound barrier. Did you know Amirtha creeper can naturally boost your immune system and is now much sought after by pharma researchers? Well all these plants and many others grow in a park just outside his house. Each one of the trees and herbs planted and tended by him.”

Please read more about this outstanding person, doing his bit for the earth…

from my friend Bhavana Nissima in “Tilling the Earthwoman”.. here

About gardenerat60

As you guessed, I am a retired executive, looking for hobbies. Stumbled into gardening after reading blogs. Always wanted to use eco-friendly items in daily life. So, there was no heistation in deciding to put the vast terrace balcony to use for organic garden.
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41 Responses to A gardener with a large heart

  1. Trees preform so many good deeds for mankind. Without trees, there would be no us!

    • gardenerat60 says:

      Very true Donna! But common people do not worry about all that. In the name of development they simply cut down!

      This senior citizen, is different. Without wasting time on past glories or present problems,(like most of them do here), he is promoting nature! Very rare in India.

  2. Jeevan says:

    Wow! That’s great about him and hats off to his contribution to nature and greenery. We need more such people.

    Thanks for bringing into notice… i checked the site.

  3. nowadays everybody are busy in their own life, it is good to know somebody out there are promoting the nature which is helping us to live in healthy environment. Great.

  4. Murthy says:

    You introduced a great blog Ma’am. Such persons should be deserved to become lessons in our text books.

  5. Meenakshi says:

    I read this article on Bhavana’s blog. Through her articles I have come across myriads of people coming from different walks of life, working their bit towards making the life of people around them a little better. They are common people with something special about them. And that make Bhavana’s blog special.

    • gardenerat60 says:

      Thanks Meenakshi. I was a bit apprehensive, reblogging Bhavana’s post . But i wanted to introduce this senior citizen who is tirelessly looking after gardens, which is so rare in our country.

  6. meowpurrs says:

    I totally believe in this! Truly special person!

  7. I never thought of a natural sound barrier…and that truly appeals to me! Thank you! 🙂

  8. I agree trees have lots of goodness. All things in nature are useful to man, just that we dont value them. Living with trees around should be considered real lucky these days.

    • gardenerat60 says:

      True Sabyasachi. Value , we should. In the recent decades, I only saw destruction of trees in the name of development and expansions. Greed too played a part. We have lost so much. We shed tears for personal losses, but for these colossal waste, those who feel sad are miniscule , in this billion.

  9. ashreyamom says:

    very informative article.. actually we are taught all these as part of landscape architecture in college, but we rarely follow them. 😦

    • gardenerat60 says:

      AShreyamom, Thankfully , you were taught, and you remember, that is really nice. There are people who need to be taught even at older ages!. This is the sad part of our culture.

  10. Trees are our life, with out it we are nowhere. Kudos fro such precious info 🙂

  11. Bikramjit Singh Mann says:

    She is indeed a lovely person .. heading over there now

  12. May his tribe grow along with the trees… we need more of them… thanks.

    • gardenerat60 says:

      Thanks Prasad. Even in South we have Nammazhvar, and few senior citizens in Taminadu, and Karnataka who have taken up life mission of planting and saving trees. They lead such meaningful lives.” Endharo Mahanubhavulu”.

  13. May be I shud send a copy of this post to those “development” crazy people who are cutting down forest to make way for dams and power houses!

    • gardenerat60 says:

      yes, we should. As and when we get a chance. Just to knock some sense in their heads, and some feeling for the future generations, in their hearts.

  14. ranjani135 says:

    Nice to meet a gardener with a large heart thro’ gardener @60!

  15. orchid says:

    i love trees and this is one wonderful information to know!

    • gardenerat60 says:

      In our country, in the urban concrete jungles, people are forgetting their culture and ethos, and are fighting for daily lives. They have forgotten how to tend for nature, and it is sad. Things grow here so well, we do not have extreme climates, but , urban areas are becoming concrete jungles. That makes me sad!.That is another reason, I am awestruck by Japan and their way of preserving nature around them.

  16. will hop over and read :)>

  17. MARKAND DAVE says:

    A Nimb tree, for Great cooling. Thanks 4 such informative link. Very Nice site.

  18. Thank you for sharing the link… Inspiring!

  19. Dilip says:

    A lovely post!
    May I add a quote “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
    Lets save our trees!

  20. dNambiar says:

    That’s a good story. Thank you for directing us there. 🙂

  21. Priti says:

    I am crazily in love with nature. As you said am going to have Chameli plant for my home. Thanks for the tips. 🙂


    Great blog indeed……….good work..all the best

  23. Archit says:

    That was a interesting info on trees…:) seriously good work..

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